What if you Could Write Anything Despite Your Childhood Trauma?
Before my journey, I was clueless that I had shadow work to do, that shadow Material (emotional, mental, physical/kinesthetic, energetic and spiritual) was blocking my voice, and so I undertook a great deal of training, and researched creativity, voice, childhood trauma, and so much more, as part of seeking my writing flow as well as unraveling the great puzzle and mystery of what had happened to my identity, why it hadn't formed properly, why I struggled to be a person and writer, why I was so often blocked or unable to put my creativity first.
And it was as I gained much experience, education, and training, and along the way did the inner healing that I needed to do, including Soul retrieval, Inner Child (IC) and other Parts of Self (POS) work, as well as began to Access Process Release (APR) my traumatic Material from the cellular level, I began to be able to write documents, and to produce, to write and direct films, and one of those films won an award, and I got published and otherwise produced as a filmmaker, or was involved in film making, along the way.
And though it has been a very long journey, here I am now, so incredibly happy that I have reclaimed my narrative, put my crown on in Jungian individuation terms (came into union with my inner masculine or animus), and have reattached my head to my body, per the concept of Selma Nemer (The Beheaded Goddess: Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers), and greatly healed my identity and voice.
And, aside from continuing to develop my own stories, my current movement and my mission, my activism and personal Soul Bliss, is to help you, the woman like myself, a cisgender, heterosexual female who wants to write but can't has writer's block.