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A Cultivating Feminine CREATIVITY & Reclaiming VOICE (& Writing Flow)! Lecture
The Art of Self Love to Heal Your Psyche & Creativity to Get Writing Flow MP3
The MP3's custom binaural beats + guided process were designed to stimulate 1 and be deeply healing to your feminine psyche, while the video SEMINAR gives a brief overview of the Heroine's Journey to cultivate CREATIVITY & reclaim your VOICE (to get Writing Flow on tap and share your stories with the world!) after incest including 'father rape' (Susan Brownmiller).
's 'relaxation response'Footnote
by MD
Upon subscribing, you get the video lecture Cultivating Feminine CREATIVITY & Reclaiming VOICE (& Writing Flow)! + the guided visualization binaural beats MP3 The Art of Self Love to Heal Your Psyche & Creativity to Get Writing Flow download link.
To your Heroine's Journey! <3
A Feminine Heroine's Journey to Heal is Required to Get Writing Flow
You don't have to go on the post-trauma Heroine's Journey to Voice with me, yet you most certainly need to go on your post-trauma Heroine's Journey. The Heroine's Journey to cultivate CREATIVITY & reclaim VOICE (to get 'Writing Flow'1 on tap)! after childhood abuse, including incest or what Susan Brownmiller terms 'father rape',2 is unique and has many elements.
'Without love, fear of life splits our throat. We cannot sing our own song.
Some of us cannot even remember we ever had a song to sing.'
~Marion Woodman (p. 139).3
Trauma splits our throat, this is Selma Nemer's beheading of the goddess, and is the opposite of love. The fractured Inner Child psyche parts are filled with fear of life after trauma, because when the people who should protect us violate our body and being, our psyche is shattered and we are left dissociated and in terrible pain. Fragmentation after trauma, and the terror held in cellular memory, silences us. We must go on a healing journey and reattach our 'body' and 'head',4 connecting the physical/kinesthetic and mental, rewiring our brains, and 'claim'5 our narrative, and use body-oriented processes and other inner work, so that we can Access Process Release (APR) our pain and other issues, and then integrate and individuate our psyche,6 develop our authentic unique voice, and share our voice and creative gifts with the world.
An Examination of Traditional and Alternative Story Development Techniques for Screenwriters: In the Context of Creativity and Hemispheres of the Human Brain by H Raven Rose
Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape by Susan Brownmiller
The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women by Marion Woodman PhD
The Beheaded Goddess: Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers by Selma Nemer PhD
- Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History by Cathy Caruth
- Oer, Developing Her Voice: A Heroine's Journey to Literary Individuation through Speculative Fiction by H Raven Rose