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What if you Could Write Anything Despite Your Childhood Trauma?
Imagine how your life would change if you were able to write anything you wanted to, create anything you wanted to, there is no joy like the joy of creation. The Inner Child loves, loves, loves to make art and have it come to fruition in the world. But that is only the Inner Child who is not fractured from terrible abuse ...
Are you ready to heal the post-trauma related psyche issues causing your Writer's Block so you can get Writing FLOW and reclaim your CREATIVITY & VOICE?!
Subscribe for your *FREE* Gifts!
The lecture covers: The Heroineā€™s Journey to Unleash Your Feminine Creative Writing Spirit & Authentic Voice as well as your Feminine Creative Writing Practiceā€”Goals & Pitfalls (Procrastination, Perfectionism, LOW Vibe Emotions, etc.)ā€”& Nurturing Your Creativity & Writing Flow Going Forward and so much more!!
Sign up to get a link via email to the video lecture Cultivating Feminine CREATIVITY & Reclaiming VOICE (& Writing Flow)! PLUS the guided visualization binaural beats MP3 The Art of Self Love to Heal Your Psyche & Creativity to Get Writing Flow download.
To your Heroine's Journey! <3
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