Do You Feel the Call to deepen your Heroineā€™s spiritual awakening and healing journey to heal your feminine (cisgender, heterosexual) PSYCHE & ANIMUS issues (procrastination and perfectionism from childhood trauma, including incest, identity,Ā visibility & vulnerability fears, parallel life issues, ancestral healing, spiritual interference, grounding issues, and more) to break through your Writer's Block and get Writing FLOW so you reclaim your CREATIVITY & VOICE?!
Hey, I'm H~*
After struggling for years with writer's block, creativity issues, disordered eating, and what in retrospect was a default to dissociation, and depression, or unconscious chronic despair, due to unresolved childhood sexual abuse and trauma, I went on a Heroineā€™s Journey which led to healing my PSYCHE & ANIMUS issues (clearing and healing: childhood trauma, identity issues, parallel lives, spiritual attachments, poisonous animus introjects, and more) and discovered Writing Flow and began to integrate and individuate my SOUL.
After reclaiming CREATIVITY & VOICE, I became a published and produced author and an award-winning writing/director and filmmaker with Writing Flow on tap; now I support cisgender, hetero women on the same Soul transformation journey to do the same.
Transforming the feminine, cisgender psyche post-trauma can be challenging but in a Soul Tribe with other women, with the right tools, it is so much easier to stay on the path.
Learn how I help women~*Sign up for your Cultivating Feminine Creativity & Reclaiming Voice (to Get Writing FLOW!) Lecture + Get a *Free* MP3
The lecture covers: The Heroineā€™s Journey to Unleash Your Feminine Creative Writing Spirit & Authentic Voice, Understanding the Inner Forcesā€”Psyche, Parts of Self, + Animusā€”Fueling Your Feminine Creativity & Writer Self, How to Heal & Nurture the Most Creative Parts of Yourself (Your Inner Child + Inner Writer), Your Feminine Energy System & Writing Flow, Transforming LOW Vibe Emotional Blocks (Depression, Anger, and Grief) into Creative Energy & Writing Flow with the Access Process Release (APR) Method. PLUS, Your Feminine Creative Writing Practiceā€”Goals & Pitfalls (Procrastination, Perfectionism, LOW Vibe Emotions, etc.)ā€”& Nurturing Your Creativity & Writing Flow Going Forward.
Get a VIDEO Lecture + a *FREE* MP3 instantly!
Upon subscribing, you'll get a link via email to the video lecture Cultivating Feminine CREATIVITY & Reclaiming VOICE (& Writing Flow)! PLUS the guided visualization binaural beats MP3 The Art of Self Love to Heal Your Psyche & Creativity to Get Writing Flow download.
To your Heroine's Journey! <3
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